30/10/15 Five new machines cluster51-cluster55 are installed. Each of them has 64 AMD Opteron processor cores and 128 Gb of operative memory. You can access them by making ssh to cluster5? within the cluster.
08/06/13 The air conditioner is considered unrepairable. Now it is replaced with a new one (General Climate GU-EAF18HRN1). (grisha)
26/01/12 Due to cold weather some cluster machines, namely, cluster01-07, cluster11-16 will be switched off during next two weeks. Air conditioning does not work at -20C. (levkov,demidov)
20/09/11 We installed ATI Radeon HD 5830 videocard inside cluster14 and Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 inside cluster13. The procedure required us to install SL 6.1 on cluster13 and cluster14. All development tools installed in /opt. Please use for you calculations. (grisha,demidov,timiryasov)
25/08/11 We repaired cluster01, cluster04 and cluster11. We installed SL5.6 at cluster11, now this machine is different from cluster12-16 which are run by SL4.9. We will remedy inhomogenuity in the nearest future by installing SL5.6 at cluster12-16. (levkov)
21/06/11 We had a breakdown of cluster machunes due to conditioning mailfunction. At the moment the mailfunction is repaired, and all cluster machunes work well. (levkov)
31/03/11 Two new 24-core AMD machines available with 36 Gb memory available; meet cluster41 and cluster42. (grisha)
24/12/10 GCC 4.5.2 is now installed at Please use /home2/gcc45/bin/gcc and LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home2/gcc45/lib to run compiled program. (grisha)
27/07/10 Case fan on cluster04 does not work. We did not switch this machine off, though. (levkov)
19/07/10 We switched on cluster16 and cluster33. (levkov)
16/07/10 cluster16 and cluster33 are down. (levkov)
14/07/10 We have repaired cluster04. The disk had been reformatted and system reinstalled. (grisha and levkov)
07/07/10 We installed ATLAS at all machines. (levkov)
07/07/10 We upgraded operation systems to SL4.8 at cluster01-07, cluster11-16 and to SL5.5 at cluster21-23, cluster31-36. (levkov)
07/07/10 cluster21 has returned from repair. Now all cluster machines are online. (grisha)
05/07/10 New RAM module is installed on cluster35. Now cluster35 runs in original configuration. (grisha)
15/06/10 One RAM module appeared to be broken at cluster35. Now it's removed for replacement and machine runs with 10 of 12 Gb memory. (grisha)
05/06/10 We repaired cluster06. At the moment this machine has only 1Gb memory. Only cluster21 is broken now. (levkov)
24/05/10 cluster06 is broken. At the moment all machines except cluster06 and cluster21 are working. (levkov)
15/12/09 We added 6 new 8-processor machines cluster31-cluster36. (grisha,levkov)
24/03/09 cluster21 is broken. Again! (levkov)
16/03/09 We repaired cluster21. Nowadays all cluster nodes are working! (levkov)
27/08/08 We repaired cooler at cluster04. It should work now. (levkov)
19/08/08 cluster21 goes to the warranty service. Hope it returns soon. (grisha)
15/07/08 We installed new version of mpich2 library. It is located in /opt/mpich2. (levkov)
02/07/08 We bought and installed new conditioner LG. Cluster resumes work. Unfortunaly, there was a problem with cluster21, so, we switched it off. (levkov)
11/06/08 We had to shut down all the machines except for cluster, cluster11, cluster21 due to breakdown of conditioning system. Presumably, conditioner will be repaired in a week. (levkov)
11/06/08 cluster04 does not work really well. We usually reboot it once a week, sometimes it does not work at all. There is a considerable danger in running long jobs on this machine. (levkov)